Taiyuan, capital of North China's Shanxi province, was recently selected to implement the 2024 national demonstration project for enhancing public employment services, according to an evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

Taiyuan plans to focus on four major initiatives through the demonstration project: enhancing employment skills, ensuring people's livelihoods, developing employment and entrepreneurship platforms, and enhancing the application of digital technologies.

By the end of 2025, significant progress and breakthroughs are expected in four areas: enhancing employment skills, ensuring fair employment, promoting stable employment, and facilitating entrepreneurial employment.

To enhance employment skills, Taiyuan aims to provide vocational training for 1,000 locals and establish 48 vocational skill assessment institutions. Additionally, 34 percent of skilled workers will be high-skilled and 10 provincial labor service brands will be established, expected to employ 12,000 people.

To ensure fair employment, Taiyuan plans to establish employment service stations in all its 772 communities and 633 villages, achieving a "15-minute" service circle for public employment services.

The city also aims to employ 20,000 rural laborers, create employment opportunities for 220,000 rural workers in their hometowns, and create 10 part-time job markets for public welfare and 30 part-time job service stations, benefiting 40,000 people.

To promote stable employment, Taiyuan will establish 30 vocational guidance studios for university, vocational school, and technical school students and provide vocational guidance for 50,000 people.

The city will also create at least 4,000 new internship positions, allocate 100 million yuan ($13.8 million) in subsidies for graduates, and implement various employment assistance policies for those who are struggling, allocating 240 million yuan in job and social security subsidies.

To promote employment and entrepreneurship, Taiyuan plans to provide cloud-based entrepreneurial services for all entrepreneurial platforms in the city. It will also issue 1 million yuan in electronic entrepreneurship vouchers and establish one national-level entrepreneurship platform.