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  • Zhang Hengshou


    Zhang Hengshou (1902-91), born in Guangou village in the city of Yangquan, was a well-known historian in China.

  • Guan Jianhua


    Born in 1962 in Yangquan city in North China's Shanxi province, Guan Jianhua is an outstanding table tennis player.

  • Ji Maode


    ​Born in Pingding county, Ji Maode was the earliest national pentathlon champion from Yangquan city.

  • Zhang Shigui


    Zhang Shigui (586-657), a famous general in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), was from Shangwen village in Yuxian county, administered by Yangquan city.

  • Xu Shixu


    Born in Yuxian county in Yangquan city, North China's Shanxi province, Xu Shixu was a famous general who lived during the end of the Sui Dynasty (581-618) and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty (618-907).

  • Sun Tao


    Born in Pingding county in Yangquan city, Sun Tao is a famous writer in North China's Shanxi province.

  • Zhu Cunye


    Zhu Cunye, born in Pingding county in Yangquan city in China's North Shanxi province in 1936, is a famous travel writer.

  • Robin Li


    Robin Li, male, of the Han nationality, non-partisan, was born in November 1968 in Yangquan city, Shanxi province.

  • Liu Cixin


    He is a senior engineer, a science fiction writer, and a member of the China Writers Association, the 9th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the China Science Writers Association.